Contact us

WineTastings & WineShopping

Monday - Friday

10 am to 12 am & 2 pm to 5 pm

Head over to our winery and buy some tasty wines directly from our winery after you have tasted them!



Tasting 12€ / p.p.

Tasting with Natural Wines 20€ / p.p.

if you buy at least 6 bottles, we offer the tasting prices

*50% discount for our holiday guests


It is recommended to schedule an appointment for the tasting. | +49(0) 6541 3708

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Bio-Weingut & Gästehaus Staffelter Hof
Robert-Schuman-Straße 208 | 54536 Kröv / Mosel · Germany

+49 6541 3708 |


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